We Shape the Future!

What our clients say

Out of 5

Best engagement and collaboration

The collaboration with Roland has helped us scale our business agility, ensure stability, drive innovation, delivering business outcome and  achieving our aims.

Dr. Benjamin Waldmann, Xenios AG, Senior VP

Working with Roland was a smart decision

The cooperation with Roland has proven to be very profitable for us and stay ahead in the competitive and fast-paced world of product development.

Dr. Ralph Nagel, Director, Vivonic

Purposeful personal coaching

He accompanied me during my first experiences with agile management. eing very eager to understand I have always been able to ask him and seek his experience.

Director OXID Solution Catalysts

Totally recommend Roland

Roland supports with creative discussions, impulses for changes, the further development of delivery objects.

Benjamin Hasimov, Manager, Mercedes-Benz

Adaptive Change Management Blog

Our blog covers topics on transformation, change, and business agility, providing in-depth insights into our unique approach.

Business Agility through Socioeconomic Kanban Systems 

By managing uncertainty, accelerating prototyping, implementing permeable structures, relying more on internal input, fostering interdependency, prioritising effectiveness, embracing reciprocity, and promoting ongoing innovation, we can navigate the complexities of the New Normal and thrive in unpredictable markets. 

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Driving innovation by Prioritise time-savings

he time savings model for organistions is a simplified concept that helps us understand how to optimise efficiency. By considering factors like complexity, resource allocation, and the learning curve, our aim is to reduce the time spent on any task. This approach allows us to identify opportunities for improvement and enhance overall productivity and development efficiency.

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Free consulting

Your partner to scale up adaptiveness.

How can we help you? We provide consulting services in three languages. Get in touch, and let’s discuss your needs in detail—we’ve got solutions.

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Österreich, Austria, Austrija

+43 664 66 53 975

Serbien, Serbia, Srbija

+381 65 6251 806

Act like soccer managers; they say, The winner wins by doing!English, Englisch, Europäische Union, European Union, Evropa

+43 3322 43 215

Türkiye, Türkei, Turkey, Turska

+43 3322 43 215

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